5 Ways to Harness the Pisces Full Moon Energy

Regarded as the most spiritual sign, Pisces’ energy invites us to take a step back from our emotions, reactions, and thoughts. We are asked to be mere observers and realize that these emotions don’t define who we are. These are just temporary states that flow through us.⁠

Once we realize that, we begin to see and feel our unlimited potential. This Full Moon in Pisces is the perfect time to meditate and manifest, especially coming from all the hard work we’ve done during Virgo season. It’s now time to trust the journey, trust our intuition, and trust ourselves.

Need a bit more help to fully harness this sensitive energy of the Full Moon in Pisces? Check out our tips below:

5 Ways to Harness the Pisces Full Moon Energy

pisces full moon energy

Take a deep nourishing bath

Treat yourself to a relaxing, deep bath and give that time to yourself to just relish in this luxurious feel — even if you’re just at home! Maybe finally use that bath salt you’ve been saving for a “special” occasion because this is it. Allow yourself to have that time to do absolutely nothing except feel comforted. Let the water wash away your worries and the weight you’ve been carrying. Of course, some wine on the side wouldn’t hurt, too.

pisces full moon energy

Express yourself through art

Pisces is all about the dream, mystic side of us. What better way to harness its energy than by tapping into our creative side, right? Whatever your method is, find some time to create. Whether it’s a painting, writing a poem, or even just as simple as dancing it out. You’ll find this release so fulfilling and it will certainly get you back into a groove of pure creativity.

pisces full moon energy

Practice self-care

Because self-care is more than just a nice bath. Practicing self-care goes deep and yet, it can also be so simple. Find something even as simple as spending time outdoors for a moment or something as grand as taking a leave from work to go on a much-needed retreat. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure that it ultimately promotes a better physical, mental, emotional health and well-being.

pisces full moon energy

Meditate to the sound of the ocean

The tides go crazy when it’s a full moon. Even if you can’t physically be by the beach, you can put on some ambient ocean sounds in the background as you meditate. Just its sound can instantly transport you to another place, and feel ultimately relaxed and refreshed.

pisces full moon energy

Charge your crystals

What good is a full moon if you don’t use it to charge your crystals? Just kidding. But in all seriousness, this is the best time to bring out your beloved stones and use the moonlight’s power to cleanse and recharge them back to their full power. You can do a simple ritual that can help you meditate, or you can simply leave out your crystals where there’s ample light from the moon overnight.

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