
Search Results for: tumble

Peacock Ore (Bornite) Tumbles

Encourages creative expression, helps to remove – self-imposed obstacles encourages happiness and joy, helps one to live in the moment, and balances the left and right sides of the brain. Chakras : All

Nephrite Jade Tumbles

Green Jade has a joyful, nurturing, and peaceful energy. It is a stone that is commonly used in dream work as it stimulates lucid dreaming and assists in dream recall and analysis. Its energy is so strong that one is said to feel a flow of calmness and well-being almost immediately upon touching it. It …

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Green Jade Tumbles

Green Jade has a joyful, nurturing, and peaceful energy. It is a stone that is commonly used in dream work as it stimulates lucid dreaming and assists in dream recall and analysis. Its energy is so strong that one is said to feel a flow of calmness and well-being almost immediately upon touching it. It …

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Green Fluorite Tumbles

Green Fluorite is an excellent stone for overcoming disorganization and a scattered mind. It enhances self-discipline by encouraging one to incorporate structure and routine into their daily life. It promotes intense focus and concentration for sustained periods of time and helps one quickly absorb and retain new information. Physically, Green Fluorite promotes healing on all …

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Fancy Jasper Tumbles

Fancy Jasper has a nurturing energy that is supportive during times of stress. It brings feelings of wholeness and relieves fears, doubts, and frustrations. It promotes creativity and inspires one to become more persevering and enthusiastic in their endeavors. It absorbs negative energy and deflects psychic attacks, making it a highly protective stone. Physically, Fancy …

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