An Easy Guide to Smudging: Cleanse Your Space of Negative Energy

smudging white sage palo santo

Smudging has long been recognized as as an ancient spiritual ritual. In fact, this practice is recognized as a Native American tradition. Aside from Native Americans, smudging — or the act of cleansing through smoke — has, in one way or another, been present in other cultures around the world as well.

Today, more and more people are honoring this cultural ritual because of the main benefit it poses, which is dispelling negative energy and cleansing – or even resetting – our body and our space. If you feel as though you’ve been needing that major cleansing and purifying, then check out this easy step-by-step guide below on how to smudge using either white sage or Palo Santo.

Guide to Smudging to Cleanse Your Space

  1. Gather all the tools and materials you need for smudging — including white sage or Palo Santo, a vessel for burning sage, and a fire source like a lighter or match.
  2. Make sure to open windows or the door to give the negative energy a pathway to get out. This also includes clearing certain blockages like misplaced small furniture, curtains, and the like.
  3. Before you light up the sage or Palo Santo, set your intention and say a mantra that represents what you want to manifest in this smudging ritual. A perfect example of a mantra is: “I let go and release what no longer serves me.”
  4. Hold the sage at a 45-degree angle and then proceed to light it up. Let it burn for about 20 seconds. Afterwards, gently blow the flame and see the orange embers on the tip remain.
  5. Should you choose to cleanse yourself, do it as you draw a circle around your body using the sage’s smoke. Then, proceed to slowly walk around your space, allowing the smoke from the embers billow through the space.

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