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5 Best Crystals for Setting Intentions
Much of our everyday anxiety is caused by either being stuck in the past or worrying about the future. A lot of it has to

5 Ways to Harness the Pisces Full Moon Energy
Regarded as the most spiritual sign, Pisces’ energy invites us to take a step back from our emotions, reactions, and thoughts. We are asked to

An Easy Guide to Smudging: Cleanse Your Space of Negative Energy
Smudging has long been recognized as as an ancient spiritual ritual. In fact, this practice is recognized as a Native American tradition. Aside from Native

4 Rituals for the New Moon in Virgo
Take a deep breath. Slowly. And release. Do you feel that energy? That energy that signals new beginnings? That’s what the new moon in Virgo

Blue Full Moon in Aquarius: What It Means For You
Blue Full Moon in Aquarius What a month it’s been, am I right? This Blue Full Moon in Aquarius (August 22) may just be exactly

Best Crystals to Welcome Virgo Season 2021
Virgo season is here y’all! ‘Tis the season to reclaim our power, come home to ourselves, and manifest the life we want and deserve. Ruled
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