4 Rituals for the New Moon in Virgo

Take a deep breath. Slowly. And release. Do you feel that energy? That energy that signals new beginnings? That’s what the new moon in Virgo is all about, which by the way, is considered as the luckiest new moon of 2021.

It’s been a rough ride so far, but it’s time to be out with the old and in with the new. Here are some activities that would help you get on the path in achieving your goals with the help of the most driven and grounded sign out of all the zodiacs.

4 Rituals for the New Moon in Virgo

new moon ritual

Make a to-do list

If there’s one thing Virgos love doing, it’s making lists. And checking it twice, thrice, and well, you get the picture. Virgos are all about organizing and getting stuff done, and you can ride this wave too simply by taking a few minutes of your day to jot down all your important to-dos. Think of it as unclogging your brain. Listing down your to-dos, as well as your other thoughts and ideas, can help greatly in easing stress and anxiety about your days.

new moon ritual

Calm your mind

Whether it’s by taking slow, deep breaths, meditation, or just by taking a relaxing walk in nature, it’s important to take this time to intentionally calm your mind and relax. Often, we forget about hitting that ‘pause’ button just because we’ve been on survival mode for so long — especially in this pandemic. This stress can bear down on you physically, so prioritize taking care of your mental health more than anything.

new moon ritual

Write down your goals

Yup, we’re not down with making lists just yet. It’s a new moon in Virgo, what did you expect? Also, just because the year is almost done doesn’t mean you can’t start writing new goals to aim for. This time, you can begin by envisioning where you want to be when full moon in Virgo arrives in March of next year. That’s six months worth of working on your goals. Of course, you can work on both big and small goals and don’t forget to include the timeline of when you want to achieve them.

new moon ritual

Declutter your space

Aside from unclogging your headspace during this new moon, you actually do have to declutter your physical space as well. Clear space, clear mind. Of corse, this task can be quite overwhelming, so we suggest compartmentalizing the spaces or areas that you have to declutter and clean out. You can start with something as simple as your work table, then slowly move towards bigger spaces like your bedroom.

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